Remove the outer shell, take out the Core and cleanse it three times with fire and salt, which will be easy, if Saturn has seen its image in the Mirror of Mars. Introitus
1. Enter the den 2. Look at the shadows 3. Recognize the rabbit in you 4. Burn and drown 5. Cleanse with salt 6. Go out 7.
Nobody will ever call you a bunny anymore. Nobody will sit you on their lap.
I am old, weak and sick (…). The fire torments me too much, and Death is tearing my body apart, breaking my bones (…). My Soul and my Spirit are abandoning me. Oh, cruel poison, I am equal to a black raven (…). There is Salt, Sulphur and Mercury in my body. They have to be properly sublimated, distilled, separated, decayed, coagulated, hardened, boiled and rinsed, to cleanse them fully from debris and dirt. The Twelve Keys of Philosophy